Main » 2016 » August » 23 » Getting ready for cooler temperatures
6:06 PM
Getting ready for cooler temperatures

Your pet is a part of your family, and you want to help him adjust to any and all changes that occur in his life. This includes seasonal changes, as these can significantly impact your pet’s day to day life.

As the weather gets colder, your pet may need to be brought inside more often to warm up. Keep in mind the temperature, and offer him ways to keep warm. If he must be outside, consider purchasing a jacket and some booties to help keep the cold at bay. You should also be conscious of areas that will be impacted by extreme temperatures, like icy sidewalks, as walking on them can harm your pet’s sensitive paw pads. Also, be mindful of his needs in other areas due to changes, like in his diet and hydration levels. For more information, please contact your local Portland, OR veterinarian.

Views: 461 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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