Main » 2017 » June » 5 » Fur Mites Can Cause Itching In Rabbits
6:43 AM
Fur Mites Can Cause Itching In Rabbits

Fur mites (Cheyletiella parasitivorax) live in the fur of rabbits. They can start infesting a small area, but without any treatment, they can spread all over the rabbit’s body. They can also live in the immediate surroundings and can infest other rabbits and pets. If you have other pets in the house, measures should be undertaken to prevent spread of the mites to your other pets. Make sure to wash your hands after handling the infected rabbit, properly dispose of food and bedding from the cage; and all food and bedding that has just been purchased should be freeze before they are used. Take note that even if your rabbit is completely confined indoors, he can still get fur mites.

These microscopic mites feed on the blood of their hosts. When they bite your rabbit to feed, they cause itching.  Your most recommended vet clinic Savannah GA may prescribe a medication that can effectively kill mites but is safe to use in rabbits.

Views: 552 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Savannah GA | Rating: 5.0/1
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