Main » 2017 » August » 8 » Foods to keep away from your canine companion
4:29 PM
Foods to keep away from your canine companion

Your dog is a wonderful friend, and he is always interested in your meals. However, you know that not all human foods are safe for your pet. How can you keep him from ingesting something he shouldn’t?

Your pet needs you to understand that there are many different items he simply cannot have. Make sure you do your research on each ingredient in your food before offering your pet a bite. If you are unsure of something, refrain from giving it to your pet to avoid any unsavory consequences. In fact, you can even cook in a way that will allow him to have some should you feel inclined to offer it. Common foods that your pet shouldn’t have include chocolate, avocados, garlic, onions, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and items with a lot of salt. For more information, please contact your local Fort Collins, CO vet clinic.

Views: 470 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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