Main » 2016 » May » 3 » Fleas And Ticks Can Cause Intense Scratching And Biting In Dogs
7:35 AM
Fleas And Ticks Can Cause Intense Scratching And Biting In Dogs

More often than not, pet owners who see their dogs scratching and biting itself think that their pet has fleas. Sometime this assumption is correct. Upon closer examination, you can see fleas scurrying along the skin surface. These wingless parasites are ubiquitous but a heavy infestation can be eradicated using a good flea prevention program not just only during flea season but throughout the entire year.

Some dogs and cats are hypersensitive to flea saliva; even a bite of a single flea can trigger an allergy reaction commonly called parasitic dermatitis or allergic dermatitis.

On the other hand, ticks rarely cause itching, scratching, or allergic reactions. Heavy infestations however can often lead to dermatitis and ulcerations that are slow to heal.

Other parasites that have been implicated in skin problems of dogs and cats include various species of skin mites, such as sarcoptic, demodex, and cheyletiella.

Your veterinary clinic Wake Forest NC can help formulate a year-round preventative program that is designed to protect your pet against external parasites.

Views: 428 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinary clinic Wake Forest NC | Rating: 5.0/1
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