Main » 2016 » August » 4 » Fireworks Affect Pet Cats, Too
1:33 AM
Fireworks Affect Pet Cats, Too

Cat parents should be aware that their pets can be just as afraid of fireworks as dogs can. Many may not be aware of it because cats are not as demonstrative of their feelings as dogs. Here are some tips to keep your kitty safe and comfortable when there are fireworks displays in your place:

  • If you have an indoor-outdoor cat, it is a good idea to bring him inside before the fireworks display is scheduled to start.
  • Provide some safe hiding spots for your cat, such as a cardboard box with a single opening or an open cat carrier. Place a favorite toy and your pet’s blanket inside to make it more appealing to him. Having something familiar inside may also help allay his fears.
  • Make sure to block access to narrow spaces where your kitty will likely get stuck such as behind the refrigerator, drier, dishwasher, and cupboard drawers.
  • You can also spray these “safe areas” with a product that contains stress relieving pheromone, which you can buy from most pet supply stores.
  • Turn on some music or the TV to mute the sounds of the fireworks. Drawing the curtains can also avoid bright flashes.

You can also ask your Rochester, NY veterinarian about ways to keep your pet safe and comfortable during fireworks display and other celebrations where exposure to loud noise is inevitable. To learn more, visit this website.

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