Main » 2017 » November » 4 » Finding the right pet sitter
3:49 PM
Finding the right pet sitter

Your pet means the world to you, and you want to make sure she is well cared for even when you can’t take part in her care in person. This will sometimes mean finding the right pet sitter to meet your pet’s needs. How can you do this?

You will need to look into different pet sitters in your area in order to determine which will meet your pet’s needs the best. Consider what needs to be done, and how well each individual will be able to perform these tasks. Talk to each person, and ask any questions you have. Be vocal about your expectations, and think about who you can trust the most. Also think about how your pet will interact with each of them, as you will want her to be comfortable while you are away. Your local Rochester, NY vet can offer additional suggestions. Visit website for more information and advice.

Views: 427 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Rochester NY, vets Rochester NY | Rating: 5.0/1
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