Main » 2017 » June » 3 » Feeding your leopard gecko
8:13 AM
Feeding your leopard gecko

Your leopard gecko is going to become a wonderful part of your life, and you are getting ready to bring your new addition home. You want to have everything he needs to stay healthy. How can you do this?

Your pet’s eating habits are a wonderful place to start, as his body will need plenty of nutrients to be strong and fit. Your pet will need you to get together some live insects for him to munch on. This will likely include mealworms, crickets, and waxworms. These should be nutrient packed, and may require you to feed them a certain diet before allowing your leopard gecko to eat them. You can also dust them with additional nutrients. As you get to know your pet and you discuss him with his veterinarian, you will be able to better understand his needs and preferences. For more information, please contact your local Coon Rapids, MN vet clinic.

Views: 425 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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