Main » 2016 » October » 12 » Exercising your dog indoors
1:53 PM
Exercising your dog indoors

Your dog loves running around outside and burning off some of his energy. However, this exercise shouldn’t be just reserved for the great outdoors. After all, there will be days when your pet will need to get fit while spending some time inside.

To help your dog get some exercise while indoors, consider the living space that you have available. Some homes will have great places to play a game of fetch – like a hallway or a long kitchen area. Others will have less free space, but still be able to accommodate some movement on the part of your pet. Get on the floor and play with him, keeping in mind your goal to keep him moving. This will help to not only take his mind off heading outside, but will also give his body the workout it needs. For additional information, please contact your local Montgomery, TX vet.

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