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8:05 AM
Exercising Your Cat

Your cat needs regular exercise to keep trim and to work her muscles and joints to prevent mobility issues. She won’t just exercise on her own so you need to give your cat toys to encourage exercise. Choose toys that stimulate your cat’s hunting instincts. A ball, laser pointer or fishing rod toy with a feather lure will entice your cat to run, chase, pounce and jump. Puzzle toys require that your cat work to get to a treat inside. Always use toys when playing with your cat since she could get rough and scratch or bite you if you use your hands or feet. Give your cat high perches to jump up on so she can peruse her territory from up high. If your cat reacts to catnip, you can give it to her and she’ll run and roll around like crazy. Learn more from your veterinarian Coronado CA.

Views: 404 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Coronado CA | Rating: 5.0/1
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