Main » 2016 » July » 4 » Exercise Trackers for the Bichon Frise
7:33 AM
Exercise Trackers for the Bichon Frise

Did you know that there are exercise tracking devices for dogs like the Bichon Frise and other breeds? If you’re concerned about how much exercise your Bichon is getting, talk with your vet about getting a pet exercise tracker. Exercise or fitness trackers have recently been introduced as a way for dog owners to track how much exercise their canine companions are getting whether they are with them or not. A new gadget called FitBark can actually track your dog’s sleep, movement, and play. The company says the new concept can help “keep your dog healthy, explain changes in behavior, make better decisions with your vet, and share memorable moments with friends and family.” The device comes with an app that allows you to monitor your Bichon Frise’s activity via your Smartphone. If you have questions about this product, click here, or give your veterinary clinic Cedar Park, TX a call.

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