Main » 2017 » February » 20 » Exercise and your senior cat
9:30 AM
Exercise and your senior cat

Since your cat is a senior now, you know that your time with her will be a bit different than it has been in the past, particularly during playtime. How can you make sure she is getting all the exercise her body needs?

Your pet needs to be able to get up and moving, but it should be in ways that are both fun for her and easy on her aging body. Consider lowering the impact of your pet’s play sessions if she seems to be having difficulty with your current habits. It may also be beneficial to split them up a bit throughout the day as well. This way, she is still getting the same amount of movement, but it will be in shorter bursts that allow her time to rest in between. Your local Greenville, SC vet clinic can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

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