Main » 2017 » November » 4 » Exercise and your feline friend
8:01 AM
Exercise and your feline friend

Your cat is a big part of your life, but you want her to stay an appropriate size for her age and breed. How can you help her exercise and stay fit?

Your pet is likely eager to exercise on a regular basis, but she looks at it much differently than you do. She tends to think of the times she is up and moving as playtime. The physical movement portion of this is simply a way for her to go about having some fun. This is important because it gives her something to focus on while getting her exercise in, and it gives you a way to motivate her. Offer fun activities as well as toys that are great for active play, and try to come up with some games that you can play together in order to help her get the exercise she needs. Your local experienced animal hospital Rochester NY can offer additional guidance.

Views: 385 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: animal hospital rochester ny, vets Rochester NY | Rating: 5.0/1
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