Main » 2017 » February » 9 » Exercise and Your Cat
12:44 PM
Exercise and Your Cat

Your cat needs daily exercise to stay happy and healthy. Exercise can help keep your cat slim and work the muscles and joints to help prevent mobility issues and osteoarthritis. It can even help in preventing diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers. Exercise also helps with mental stimulation and gives you a chance to bond with your cat. Daily play sessions are the best way to keep your cat active. Always use toys to play with your cat so you don’t get scratched or bitten accidentally if she gets overly excited. Choose toys that will stimulate your cat’s hunting instincts. A ball, laser pointer or fishing rod toy with a feather lure will encourage your cat to chase, pounce and jump. Set her perches up at a height that she will need to jump up regularly. Most importantly, keep exercise fun for both you and your cat. For more information, contact your Vets Oshawa, ON.

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