Main » 2018 » April » 16 » Enjoying your time with your pet
3:59 PM
Enjoying your time with your pet

You are a new pet owner so you are still fine-tuning the care you are offering your new addition. You want to have a good relationship with her and really spend some quality time together. How can you do this?

Spending time with your pet will typically take place in two different ways – interacting with her while you are going about your day and really taking the time to focus on her. The first can be helpful in making her feel like a part of the activities you are taking part in but it’s the latter that really grows your relationship. This allows your pet to see that you are engaging in an activity with her and making it a priority in your life to be by her side. Make sure you give her your undivided attention during this time so you can both have some fun. Your local Chattanooga, TN vet can offer additional suggestions. Learn more here.

Views: 364 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet Chattanooga TN | Rating: 0.0/0
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