Main » 2017 » June » 12 » Enjoying time with your ferret
10:10 PM
Enjoying time with your ferret

Your new ferret has quickly become a big part of your daily life, and spending time with her is something you look forward to. However, it’s become apparent that you are quickly getting down the bottom of your to-do list, and you are running low on ideas for activities to take part in together. How can you enjoy your time with one another?

Relaxing during this time is essential, as you want your pet to be able to calmly interact as well. There is no need for a schedule, but rather, you can simply go with the flow when you are interacting. Encourage physical activity since your pet needs a lot of this, and try to offer something mentally stimulating as well since ferrets are quite smart. Play on her natural instincts as well by offering things for her to tunnel through and pounce on. Your local Guilford County vet can offer additional guidance. Learn more here.

Views: 421 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vets guilford county, veterinary clinic guilford county | Rating: 5.0/1
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