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Dog Training - Training Mistakes You Are Probably Making

If you seem to be getting nowhere in your dog’s training even if you have persisted for a considerable length of time already, it is time to sit down and evaluate the process. Trying to look at your pet’s training at a different perspective can enable you to spot certain mistakes that you may be guilty of committing. Here are some things to keep in mind when training your pet:

One step at a time – the training process should be gradual so your pet dog won’t become overwhelmed.

Know when to use treats – treats are important in reinforcing positive behavior but you should know when to give them and when to stop handing them out to your pooch. You have to stop using the treat once your dog understands what you want him to do.

Be consistent – stick to specific cues or commands to avoid confusing your pooch. Avoid giving too many or mixed signals.

Keep your pet healthy and active by bringing him regularly to your Bowmanville, ON veterinary clinic. Learn more here.

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