Main » 2017 » November » 7 » Does your cat need more than one scratching post?
8:17 AM
Does your cat need more than one scratching post?

Your cat needs to scratch in order to maintain her claws. This means she will seek out different areas for scratching around your home. You know you need to provide her with suitable options to use if you want your furniture to stay scratch-free. Does this mean she will need more than one scratching post?

Your pet may be likely to scratch on whatever is nearby when she needs to tend to her claws. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean she is unable to control where she scratches. If she really likes the scratching post you’ve purchased, she may seek it out often. If not, she may opt for other areas around your home. Watch your pet’s behavior and determine where she spends her time. If there are multiple places where she hangs out, it may be a good idea to have another post available to her. For more information, please contact your Clio, MI vet clinic.

Views: 431 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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