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1:04 AM
Do Cats and Dogs Laugh

You may have been led to believe that your pet laughs when you see its face after something funny has happened.

However, that noise they’re making is not laughter. Cats and dogs are not capable of expressing said emotion at any time, but cats and dogs do express amusement by their eyes shining twinkling like a human’s eyes do when they’re about to tell a funny joke, and dogs wag their tails.

Cats purr when content, but sometimes they even purr when they’re excited by something. It’s not common, but it does happen.

Dogs and cats are creatures of many feelings and emotions, almost as diverse as a human’s. Once you get to know your pet, you can tell when they’re amused or made happy by something.

At the veterinary clinic Logan Circle, you can discover more information on cats and dogs, and their behavioural habits by clicking here.

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