Main » 2014 » May » 27 » Diet and Feeding of Pythons and Boas
8:34 PM
Diet and Feeding of Pythons and Boas

Pythons and boas are non-venomous species of snakes; however they can grow to a length of 12-15 feet and can weigh up to 300 pounds. If you own a boa or a python, you should understand that adults need extensive care, and you will have to make a large enclosure that will demand substantial time for clean-up.

Pythons and boas in captivity are often fed rodents. Small snakes eat juvenile mice or rats, while larger snakes are given adult rodents, chickens, or rabbits.

Contrary to the popular belief that it is best to give your snake live preys, it is recommended to give whole animals that have been pre-killed. Live rodents, such as rats, can bite or scratch your pet, causing severe damage and potentially death, regardless of your snake’s size.

You can also give frozen pre-killed animals that are available commercially. Freezing can kill parasites and/or potential pathogens that may infest or infect your pet snake.  Frozen prey is also less expensive and more convenient, since you can buy it in bulk and store in your freezer.

Asking assistance from your veterinary clinic Indianapolis will also go a long way in addressing your pet’s nutritional needs. Click here to know more about your pet's needs.

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