Main » 2017 » August » 3 » Diagnosing Seizures in White-Capped Pionus Parrots
8:01 AM
Diagnosing Seizures in White-Capped Pionus Parrots

If you suspect our White-Capped Pionus parrot is suffering from seizures, please call your vet and schedule a checkup right away. Only your vet can officially diagnose a seizure. Self diagnosing or even self treating your parrot when you don’t know the exact illness can be harmful for your bird. Allow your vet to test your bird and examine him to determine what is specifically causing your bird to fall from his perch, act disoriented, go into convulsions or even have sporadic fits. Seizures may be common, but not all causes are the same. Seizures that occur as the result of malfunctions in the brain must be treated differently than seizures that may be caused as the result of trauma, toxins, or other types of illnesses. Diagnosis will greatly impact the treatment and care required for your bird. Always consult with your vet Marriottsville, MD when it comes to your White-Capped Pionus parrot’s health. Click this site Marriottsville Animal Hospital to learn more.

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