Main » 2016 » October » 3 » Corns on Siamese Cat Paws
8:40 AM
Corns on Siamese Cat Paws
















Does your Siamese cat appear to have a corn or callous forming on her paw? If so,  you might want to call your vet and schedule a check-up. Your vet will most likely want to know when you first noticed the corns and how they have affected your cat’s ability to walk as well as his overall temperament. Many times, a cat will not allow his owner to touch his paw pads. He may also not be walking as much in an effort to relieve the pain and pressure to the affected foot or feet. From there, your vet will conduct a thorough examination of your cat’s feet, paws, and pads. Treatment for your cat will depend on the outcome of the initial exam. In some cases, cats are prescribed pain medication along with a topical medication to soften the sore area of the paws. In other circumstances, your veterinarian Olathe, KS may also recommend removal of the corns.

Views: 702 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Ks, veterinarian Olathe | Rating: 0.0/0
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