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6:36 AM
Copper Storage Disease In Dogs

More than half of all the cases of Copper Storage Disease have been observed to occur in Bedlington Terriers where one of the most serious complications includes hepatitis. In Doberman Pinschers, hepatitis can also be an important complication but they are more prone to developing liver cirrhosis. One important point to note regarding Copper Storage Disease is the fact that not all dogs diagnosed with the disease have high concentrations of copper in the liver. In fact many cases of the disease have been accompanied by very low concentrations of copper levels. This often holds true with Doberman Pinschers. Skye Terriers and West Highland White Terriers, however, show abnormally high levels of copper.

Copper Storage Disease can occur in different forms—subclinical, acute, and chronic progressive. Subclinical cases do not show any external manifestations and affects only the internal organs. Subclinical cases are often hard to diagnose until it is already too late. Acute cases occur when there is already damage to the cells and tissues of the liver and may lead to death of the affected dog. The chronic form is a progressive stage that mainly occurs in middle-aged dogs. If not caught at an early stage, it can rapidly develop to liver cirrhosis and eventually death of your dog.

Wellness visits to your Bel Air, MD vet clinic is an important opportunity for a thorough checkup as well as spot early signs of a potential health issue. See details here:

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