Main » 2016 » December » 1 » Constipation and Your Dog
11:17 AM
Constipation and Your Dog

From time to time you may notice your dog exhibits signs of constipation. These signs may include straining to defecate, hard stools, a lack of diet, anal swelling and even some vomiting. The most common cause of constipation is dehydration so make sure your dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times. Lack of exercise can cause constipation since exercise helps the digestive tract work more efficiently. There are other causes of constipation that are not so easy to fix such as obstructions from bones or hair or part of a toy. A traumatic injury or other medical injury could cause constipation too. The precise cause of your dog’s constipation can be determined through a physical exam along with blood, stool and urine testing. Your dog may need fluid therapy, removal of the impacted feces and of course, treatment of underlying medical issues. For more information, contact your Poway, CA veterinarian or visit this link.

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