Main » 2016 » May » 19 » Considering a Green Iguana as a Pet
8:39 AM
Considering a Green Iguana as a Pet

Iguanas are easy to find in stores but consider using a breeder or getting an iguana from a rescue. These sources will not only provide you with an animal that needs a home, they will most likely become a great source of information. Iguanas don’t stay the six or eight inches starting size. They can get to be six feet long and weigh 20 pounds at their full size. They can also live up to 20 years so iguanas are a long-term commitment. You will need to plan for a very large enclosure when it reaches adult size. Iguanas are cold-blooded and tropical animals so you will need to provide heat at all times. Feeding an iguana isn’t difficult but require a lot of fresh vegetables, which could get expensive. Thoroughly research all the needs of an iguana before your bring one home. For more information, contact your Oshawa, ON veterinarian.

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