Main » 2017 » February » 3 » Cleaning Your Guinea Pig’s Cage
7:44 AM
Cleaning Your Guinea Pig’s Cage

Your guinea pig will spend most of his life in his cage so to keep your pig happy and healthy, you need to keep the cage clean. Remove old food and wet bedding daily and plan on a complete cage cleaning weekly. For the full cleaning, remove your pig and put him somewhere he is safe and supervised.  A laundry basket works well. Remove all bowls, exercise apparatus and hidey homes and clean them thoroughly. Scrub out the water bottle with a bottlebrush. Remove the litter tray and discard all bedding and the tray liner. Clean the tray and allow it to dry. Reinstall the tray with a new liner and a fresh layer of bedding. Put all the cage items back and refill the food bowl and water bottle. Maybe take some time to play with your guinea pig before putting him back in his cage. For more information, contact your Crown Point, IN veterinarian or click here.

Views: 465 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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