Main » 2018 » May » 29 » Chinchillas and Ticks
2:34 PM
Chinchillas and Ticks

Did you know that chinchillas can pick up ticks just like dogs and cats? It’s important to check your chinchilla for ticks after spending time outdoors. You should also check him frequently if you have other animals in your home such as a dog or cat. Keeping your dog and cat on a monthly flea and tick prevention medication can help ensure that your chinchilla won’t pick up a tick (or flea) either. If you find a tick on your chinchilla, you will need to grab the tick by the head and pull it straight up. Use your thumb and index finger and place them on the tick as close to the skin as possible before pulling straight up. Be sure the entire tick has been removed. Check the chinchilla thoroughly for other ticks. You may also want to check his bedding. For more tips, talk with your Anderson, IN veterinary clinic.

Views: 349 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pendleton Veterinary Clinic | Rating: 0.0/0
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