Main » 2017 » August » 18 » Cats in the Car
5:03 AM
Cats in the Car

Does your cat like to travel in the car? Some cats detest a car ride while others love it. If you own a cat that loves it, how do you have your cat secured while you drive? A cat that is running loose in the car can be a major distraction to you and even other drivers. To avoid you or your cat getting hurt, it’s a good idea to keep your cat secure while in the car. You can do this by having your cat stay in a carrier or you can get a seatbelt for your cat. Another option is the window cat seat which attaches to an inside backseat car window. If your cat will stay in this seat then this could be another solution, but if he still moves around go back to the seatbelt or carrier. For more suggestions on cat car safety, give your vet McClain County, OK a call.

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