Main » 2014 » May » 6 » Cat Love is in the Air- How Much Your Cat Loves You
3:21 PM
Cat Love is in the Air- How Much Your Cat Loves You

There are many ways for a cat to express its love for you.

Typically, cats always want to snuggle up to you and love to be petted and stroked, and this is one way they show affection to you.

Other times, they like to bump their nose against you when it’s wet, which is to say, always.

One of the biggest signs of kitty love, however, is if it licks you or its tail quivers when it’s around you.

Cats like to show love to those who show love to it, and it is through this process that you can develop a truly powerful bond with your cat, and one that is full of love.

As the veterinarian Mcdonough would have for information on their site, which can be found here, cats are loving creatures, and if you treat them well, they’ll show you a lifetime’s supply of happiness, love, and incredibly soft fur to stroke.

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