Main » 2016 » August » 31 » Cat Flu
9:19 PM
Cat Flu

Cat flu is often considered to be the most contagious medical illness in cats. Unfortunately, many cats are not vaccinated against the disease, or fail to have their vaccine updated. But truth to tell, new strains of cat flu virus are continually appearing, thus vaccines only give incomplete protection.

Cat flu can range from mild to fatal. For some cats, cat flu symptoms are only seen whenever they are stressed. Experts refer to these cats as “in contact” cats because they easily transmit the infection to vulnerable cats.

Kittens whose immune systems are still developing, senior cats with failing immune systems, and those with concurrent infections often tend to suffer from the more severe form of cat flu. Cats that are healthy and vaccinated may only have runny eyes and some sneezing. Treatment may not be necessary if the cat remains active and the eye and nasal discharges are clear. However, if your pet suddenly loses his appetite or the discharges gets very thick, make a visit to your Glendale, AZ animal hospital immediately.

Views: 453 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: animal hospital Glendale AZ | Rating: 5.0/1
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