Main » 2018 » May » 24 » Cat Bites Can Cause Abscess
4:28 PM
Cat Bites Can Cause Abscess

A cat that has been in a fight and bitten by another cat usually appears in good health after the encounter. However, the pathogenic microorganisms which have been introduced into the cat’s body with the bites can multiply and incite an inflammatory process within the site. Fever soon sets in within 2-4 days and the cat appears lethargic, often with a poor appetite. When owners first observe their cat’s behavior, they usually bring their cats to their veterinarian who will diagnose the case based on history and a thorough physical examination. At this time, the abscess appears firm to the touch or as a soft tender swelling and the area feels warm. Upon closer examination, puncture wound and skin lacerations or scratch marks may be present. Cases of cat abscess are often found on the face, legs, back, neck, and tail.

Any change in your pet’s health and/or behavior warrants a visit to your Rochester, NY vet clinic. More details here.

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