Main » 2015 » January » 19 » Caring for an Abused Dog
5:45 AM
Caring for an Abused Dog

Opening your home and your heart to an abused dog can be extremely rewarding. However, they do take a little more care than the average dog.

While your pup is adjusting to his new environment, it is important to shower him with love, attention, and positive energy. If you feel grouchy, it is best to avoid bursting out in front of your abused dog. If you do, he isn’t likely to change.

Take your dog out for regular walks and spend time playing with him, hanging out on the couch together, or even sleeping together. Your dog will soon associate positive experiences with you and your home, which will make him much happier.

You can accelerate the process by providing your pup with nutritional food to keep his energy up. You’ll also want to make sure that he is up-to-date on all of his vaccinations and flea treatments by taking him into your veterinary clinic Carlisle. Visit this website Healing Paws Veterinary Care for more details.

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