Main » 2016 » July » 7 » Caring for a Manx Mother Cat
4:01 AM
Caring for a Manx Mother Cat

Are you currently caring for a Manx mama cat and her kittens? If so, talk with your vet to learn about feeding, weaning, and basic care for the mama cat and her kittens. Your vet should be able to give you some basic information, guidance and direction. Also, don’t forget to focus on the mother as well as the kittens. During the weaning process you will want to make sure to take special care of the mother cat too. For example, you may have been feeding her extra food to help keep up with the demand for her milk supply. Now that you are cutting back on her milk to the kittens, she will slowly start to dry up. She should also be taken back down to her normal food amount. When you start to wean the kittens, remove them from the mother for small amounts of time. Your veterinary clinic Rochester, NY can provide further information.

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