Main » 2017 » November » 10 » Caring for a dog in his senior years
10:33 AM
Caring for a dog in his senior years

Your dog isn’t a youngster any more, and has officially entered into his senior years. However, you know that he still has a lot of wonderful memories to make with you. How can you offer him the care he needs at this time in his life?

Your pet is getting older, but he has been doing this his entire life. This stage of life is a change just like all the others have been. You will need to keep up the same level of care you always have, in addition to adapting to his ever-changing needs. Talk to his veterinarian about what you can expect from this stage of life, and be ready for changes that are likely to come in the future. Be vigilant, and take note of issues that arise so you can take the time to tend to them promptly. Your Plano, TX vet can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home. Click here to learn more.

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