Main » 2017 » February » 16 » Canine Behavior - Do You Have A Problem Barker?
8:29 AM
Canine Behavior - Do You Have A Problem Barker?

If you have problems with your dog’s persistent barking, you are in the same boat with many dog parents out there. In dealing with problem, you have to undertake specific measures to establish what’s causing your dog’s barking. There are a variety of reasons that triggers bouts of loud and persistent barking in dogs and one of these are health issues including hearing or vision problems, dementia, and pain. Fear and anxiety may also be potential causes.

If you can’t just pinpoint what’s causing your dog’s barking, keep a bark diary. If you are persistent and consistent enough in keeping a close eye on your dog’s barking, you may see a pattern that can provide a clue to his undesirable behavior. If you’re home during the day, you can ask somebody in the family or a neighbor to also keep a bark diary of your pooch. If it’s possible and more convenient for you, there are apps for phone or tablets or voice-activated recorders that can also help keep track of your pet’s barking.

Taking your concern to your veterinarian Orangevale, CA can be an important step in identifying the underlying cause of the problem.

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