Main » 2016 » October » 3 » Canine arthritis symptoms
5:39 AM
Canine arthritis symptoms

Your dog is a wonderful part of your family, and you like being able to care for him in whatever ways he needs you to. As he gets older, the chances of him coming down with arthritis increase, so you want to be able to identify symptoms the moment they begin to impact his life.

Arthritis impacts the joints, so you will likely see the first symptoms stemming from pain and discomfort in these areas. Your pet’s movement might begin to change in order to account for the differences in how he feels. He may do things differently or avoid specific things entirely in order to avoid certain movements. He may also be visibly uncomfortable with things he used to do with ease. If you think your pet is showing signs of arthritis, seek an appointment with a professional for an evaluation. Read more from your local Greenville, SC veterinarian.

Views: 462 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Greenville SC | Rating: 5.0/1
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