Main » 2016 » July » 15 » Can Your Rat Get Fleas?
2:42 AM
Can Your Rat Get Fleas?

Fleas can make life downright miserable for your cat and your dog, but what about your pet rat? Can he get fleas too?

Technically, rats can get fleas, but it isn’t very likely. That’s because there are many different kinds of fleas, and the kinds that make a home on your cat or dog usually aren’t interested in your rat. However, if your rat goes outside, he may be exposed to fleas that don’t mind making a rat their home.

If your rat does end up with fleas, you’ll know right away. Traditional flea medications for cats and dogs won’t work for rats. Instead, it’s usually easiest to comb them out one by one. You can also try giving your pet a bath with a mild dish soap.

If you’re having trouble dealing with your rat’s flea problem, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian Walnut, CA.

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