Main » 2016 » August » 31 » Can my Golden Retriever Chew Gum?
8:12 PM
Can my Golden Retriever Chew Gum?

If you own a dog like the Golden Retriever then you’re probably familiar with how much dogs like to eat and explore a variety of people foods. It’s important to understand; however, that not all people foods are good for them especially gum. If you think your dog has swallowed gum, please contact your vet. As a general rule, chewing gum is not recommended for your dog because he will not chew it; but instead, he will simply swallow it. In addition, the ingredients of gum could be toxic as it contains a variety of ingredients such as artificial sweetener. There is currently no study to show whether a dog should have gum or not have gum, but it’s best not to give your dog gum for any reason. If you’re thinking of using gum to fight your dog’s breath, please ask your veterinary clinic Livonia, MI first.

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