Main » 2018 » May » 10 » Can My Dog Eat Apples?
9:18 PM
Can My Dog Eat Apples?

Yes, your dog can eat apples as a snack and in moderation. However, make sure your dog does not eat the seeds. Seeds of apples and another fruit contain cyanide which is toxic especially for dogs. Don’t feed your dog a whole apple. Instead, cut it up into pieces and definitely remove the core and seeds. If your dog is older or small then you should also consider peeling the apple as well. Make sure you wash the apple or wipe it off before feeding it to your dog. This will remove any type of pesticide residue. Feed your dog small bites to prevent choking. Make sure he chews it before feeding another bite. Always feed apples in moderation. Too many apples can cause constipation or diarrhea depending on your dog. Talk with your Tampa, FL veterinary clinic for more details about feeding your dog apples and other fruit.

Views: 375 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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