Main » 2016 » May » 12 » Can British Shorthairs Drink Pool Water ?
3:52 AM
Can British Shorthairs Drink Pool Water ?

As the warmer months approach you should make sure your British Shorthair and other cats have access to fresh water throughout the day both indoors and outdoors. On especially hot days, you may notice your cat lounging around the pool, playing in the pool water, or even lapping up a few sips of water to cool off. You may want to ask your vet if it’s OK for your cat to drink from the pool especially if your cat is doing it a lot. Your vet will most likely discourage the behavior and advise you to put a stop to it right away. It is not recommended that your cat be allowed to drink from the pool as the chlorine and other chemicals in the pool water could make your cat sick. If your British Shorthair cat has ingested pool water give your veterinarian Webster NY the All Cats Care Center a call and find out if there’s anything you should do.

Views: 427 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Webster NY | Rating: 5.0/1
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