Main » 2015 » August » 15 » Buying a Turtle
1:47 AM
Buying a Turtle

If you are looking to buy a turtle you should talk with your animal hospital Tigard, OR for suggestions on where to look and what type of turtle to purchase. Your vet may be able to help you decide what type of turtle would be best for you and your family.  In general, you should look for a turtle that thrives in your particular region. Also make sure your region allows turtles as pets. Some states, towns or even counties have rules and regulations when it comes to owning a turtle. Please note that turtles are not recommended as pets for small children since turtles can carry diseases such as salmonella. Always be sure to wash your hands after handling your turtle. The most common pet turtle is the red-eared slider. These turtles are generally easy keepers and do well for first time turtle owners.

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