Main » 2017 » February » 19 » Basic Dog Obedience Training
7:50 PM
Basic Dog Obedience Training

Training your dog to obey you is necessary to keep your dog under control and help him understand what your want him to do. It is mentally stimulating to your dog and gives you a chance to bond with him. The basic technique is to use a food treat to lure your dog to sit, stay, come, lie down, or other behaviors. Introduce a command phrase and give your dog the treat when he performs the behavior. As your dog becomes more reliable in associating the phrase with the behavior, require more accuracy with the behavior. You also need to delay the time between the successful behavior and when you give your dog the treat. Gradually wean your dog off the treats so he ends up performing the behavior after the command alone. Use lots of praise throughout the process and be patient. Contact your Colorado Springs, CO vet to know more, visit their site for additional information.

Views: 497 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Colorado Springs CO | Rating: 5.0/1
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