Main » 2017 » November » 30 » Alcohol can be Toxic for your Japanese Bobtail
3:38 PM
Alcohol can be Toxic for your Japanese Bobtail

It’s not recommended that you share you alcoholic beverages with your pets even if they act like they enjoy it. It may be funny, but it isn’t because alcohol can actually be toxic. This is true for cats including breeds like the Japanese Bobtail. Alcohol or anything containing ethanol is extremely dangerous if ingested in larger quantities by a cat. Drinking alcohol, for instance, is made up of the fermentation of sugars by yeasts, which is dangerous to cats. Symptoms of poisoning can cause drowsiness, depression of the central nervous system and loss of coordination or consciousness. This isn’t just about beverages either. Household products also contain alcohol or ethanol. Keep things like dyes, inks, disinfectants, mouthwashes, paints, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, etc out of your bobtail’s reach. If accidental ingestion or exposure happens, call the pet poison control hotline. For additional information and safety precautions to take, talk with your veterinarian Roanoke, VA.

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