Main » 2017 » December » 12 » Akitas and Snow Shoes
4:17 PM
Akitas and Snow Shoes

Did you know that there are snow shoes available for dogs like your Akita? Wondering why your dog would ever need snow shoes in the first place? Well, not all dogs will need snow shoes and they won’t need them just because it’s snowing outside. Most dogs have a protective layer of skin on their food called the paw pad. This along with their nails gives them great traction for running and playing in just about any kind of weather. However, if your dog walks and plays on roadways and surfaces that have been treated with salt or a melting agent to rid the surfaces of ice, then your dog will need to wear protective shoeing. The chemicals can burn the Akita’s paw pads and cause a lot of pain. Snow shoes can prevent this. Snow shoes can also give your pup even more traction on the ice. Ask your vet Bolingbrook, IL for more information.

Views: 425 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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