You can get your dog under control quickly if you train him to sit on command. If he is sitting by you, he can’t be getting into trouble. Ensure your dog is alert but not overly excited before you start training sessions. Get down to your dog’s level and hold a food treat in front of his nose to get his attention. Raise the treat up and over your dog’s head so he needs to lower his rear end to continue following it. Say your dog’s name and the SIT command. Give him the food treat as soon as his rear end touches the floor. Repeat this procedure often. Gradually increase the time between the touchdown and giving your dog his treat. Praise him too. Reduce and eventually eliminate the treats so your dog will sit on your command and praise. Contact your Matthews, NC vet to learn more.
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As a puppy, your dog receives a certain amount of protection from disease while nursing his mother’s milk. However, soon enough your dog will need vaccinations to keep him from contracting dangerous diseases if he is exposed to them. Some communities require certain vaccinations by law so check with your animal control organization to understand your responsibilities. Other vaccinations are recommended based on your dog’s specific activities. Vaccinations may be given as a single shot or they may need to occur in a series of shots. All vaccinations will require periodic booster shots to ensure continued protection from disease. Don’t skip shots in a series or boosters or you could put your dog at risk for disease. He may be cranky after receiving a vaccination and may be sore at the injection site. Contact your Pleasanton, CA vet to learn more and to set up a comprehensive vaccination schedule
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Be careful when using bug spray around people and pets. Bug spray in general can be harmful if it is overused, sprayed directly in the eyes or mouth area, or even sprayed near pets. Not all bug sprays are harmful, which is why it’s important to read the labels before buying bug spray. Make sure the spray doesn’t contain harmful ingredients to people or pets. For instance, many sprays use DEET. This is OK in moderate use for humans, but it should not be used on dogs like the American Water Spaniel or any other pet. DEET ingestion is toxic and can cause drooling, wobbly gait, seizures, vomiting, loss of appetite and more. Never use a bug spray on your canine without talking to your veterinarian first. If your dog comes in contact with DEET containing bug spray call your Lakeville, MN veterinary clinic and watch out for the signs listed above. Click here.
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If you have a lot of horses grazing on one field or pasture chances are they are going to eat the grass down pretty quickly. If possible, rotate your horses to another pasture to help preserve and rest the pasture. For instance, if your horses are eating down pasture one, but pasture two has plenty of grass then move them. While they eat down pasture two you can rest pasture one. In addition to rest, you should also drag the pasture to grind up the manure and allow it to work as fertilizer. If possible, water the pasture. If that’s not possible, try and allow it to receive several rain showers to help nourish the grass back to life. Be careful not to let horses eat the grass all the way down or it will be hard to re-grow the grass. For more tips, talk with your Teller County, CO veterinary clinic.
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Your dog is a part of your family and you consider him to be an important part of your life as well. How can you help him stay out of trouble in your home?
Your dog shares your living space with you, and that means that he needs to be able to roam around this space without worrying about the potential hazards that could exist within it. Take the time to try and pet-proof your home so he is safe. You should also take the time to train him and help him understand what appropriate behaviors are and what aren’t. Teaching him what areas are off-limits is a good idea as well. Proper supervision can make a big difference in your pet’s safety in your home as well, particularly when he is still new to this space. For more information, please contact your local Brampton, ON veterinarian.
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Your feathery friend is a big part of your life and it’s important to you that she is safe at all times. This is particularly true when it comes to your pet spending time in her cage. How can you make sure this is a safe space for her?
Since your pet is the only one who will be spending time in this area of your home, it’s important to tailor it to her needs. Her enclosure should be a place where she is contained and away from dangers. Be aware of what she can reach through the bars of her cage and move all potential hazards away from her. Take the time to offer your bird all the supplies she needs to meet her needs and entertain herself a bit. Upkeep these items and make sure to check them over regularly to ensure they are in good shape. For more information, please contact your local Walnut, CA veterinarian.
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