Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) are highly infectious diseases that cause major issues with your cat’s immune systems. These diseases are spread from cat to cat usually during grooming, fighting or mating. They are serious diseases and can make your cat very ill or even cause death. They cannot be transmitted to humans. Fortunately, vaccinations will help your cat become immune to these diseases. Your cat will also need regular booster shots to maintain continued protection. If your cat inadvertently gets either FIV or FeLV, you must keep her isolated to prevent infection of other cats. Symptoms include lethargy, fever, weight loss and an unkempt appearance. You need to treat these symptoms for the rest of your cat’s life and keep her comfortable. These symptoms mimic a number of other diseases so make an appointment with your Hyattsville, MD veterinary clinic for diagnosis and treatment if your cat
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With the warm weather upon us, your dog may enjoy swimming. Swimming is great exercise and keeps your dog cool. Some dogs are natural swimmers while others need encouragement to get in the water. You can comfort and direct reluctant swimmers with a leash or a pet-approved life jacket. Choose a quiet, shallow area to swim in. Go into the water with your pet and keep to the shallows. Once your dog is comfortable, you can move into deeper water. Avoid strong currents. Outside water may contain parasites or algae so don’t allow your dog to drink it. Install a fence around your swimming pool to prevent unattended drowning. Add steps or a ramp to help your dog climb out and help him learn how to use them. Rinse your dog well with fresh water after swimming to avoid irritation and damage to your dog’s skin and fur. For more information, contact your vet care Hyattsville, MD.
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Your cat has a righting reflex so she can turn around in midair during a fall and land on her feet. Her flexible spine helps her make the turn quickly. And the fluid in her inner ear helps her keep track of which way is up. However, just because your cat can land on her feet doesn’t mean she won’t be hurt in a fall. If the fall is low enough, she might not have time to make the turn and she could crash to the ground. If the fall is high, she could land on her feet but suffer internal injuries as she bottoms out and her belly hits the ground. She could experience orthopedic injuries as her feet and legs act as shock absorbers. And it would be disastrous if her head bangs against the ground. Thus it is important to avoid falls. For more information, click this Homepage, or contact your Washington DC veterinarian.
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