Your cat loves heading outside, and you don’t’ mind her getting a bit of fresh air every now and then. However, she has a habit of hunting in your yard, and this behavior seems to baffle you. Why does she do this?
Your cat hunts because she is driven to do so instinctually. This helped keep her wild ancestors alive and well-fed. However, since your pet has plenty of food to eat inside your home, it can be a bit confusing as to why she still feels the need to do this. The answer is simple – she may enjoy it. Your pet likely plays in a way that mimics hunting, so it makes sense for her to want to test her skills on the real thing when outdoors. For more information, please contact your local Jacksonville Beach, FL vet clinic.
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Your cat may jump up on the kitchen counters because she has been rewarded with food while she is up there. And the counter gives her a high perch to peruse her territory. Thus the first step is to clean the counters of food items and never give her food while she is up there. Cover the counters with aluminum foil strips or double-sided tape while not in use since these materials feel weird to your cat’s feet and will discourage her from jumping up there. If your cat jumps up, just pick her up and put her on the floor without a fuss. Provide your cat with another perch to observe the kitchen and the household hubbub in safety. Be patient as your cat gets the message that the kitchen counters are not a place for her. For more information, contact your Northwest Denver area, CO veterinarian or call your vet.
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Your cat has a righting reflex so she is able to turn around in mid-air during a fall so she can land on her feet. Her flexible spine helps her move quickly during this maneuver and the fluid in her inner ear aids in determining which way is up. However, just because your cat can right herself doesn’t mean she won’t get hurt in a fall. If the fall is too short, your cat may not have the time to right herself and she may crash to the ground. If the fall is too high, your cat may suffer orthopedic injuries to her feet and legs as they act as shock absorbers. If her belly bottoms out and strikes the ground, she may incur internal injuries. And your cat can even bang her chin or head on the ground to disastrous effect. Thus the best course of action is to prevent falls in the first place. For more information, contact your Northwest Denver area, CO veterinarian. Click here for details: http://westminstercove
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A daily walk is a good way for you and your dog to get some exercise and spend some time together. However, walks aren’t fun if your dog is dragging you around the neighborhood. Thus it is important to teach your dog to walk with a slack leash. Start training when your dog is alert but not overly excited. Put the leash on and start walking. Continue as long as there is a slack leash. If the leash gets taut, turn around quickly and start walking in the opposite direction. Call your dog so he has to hurry to catch up. Continue this procedure over and over until your dog gets the message that he needs to walk alongside you and not drag you around. Use patience and praise your dog whenever he walks with a slack leash. Learn more from your Northwest Denver area, CO veterinary clinic.
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