Training a dog can make even the most confident pet parent a little nervous. There are many training aids that can make training easier. Is a choke chain one of those things?
A choke chain can be very helpful for some dogs, but is completely unnecessary for others. For example, if you have a large Rottweiler that just won’t seem to listen to you on a walk, a choke chain can be very helpful. If you have a small pug that trails behind you on a walk, a choke chain isn’t needed.
Although they can be helpful, if you can avoid the choke chain altogether, it’s better for your dog. It’s better for your relationship too. If you do decide you want to give a choke chain a try, make sure you call and ask your veterinarian Carmel, IN for professional advice.
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Whether you’re training your parrot or you simply want to make him happy, nothing works better than a few treats! There are plenty of treats to choose from at the local pet store, but why spend more on processed treats when you can make them yourself at home!
Did you know parrots like pasta? Purchase some thick, whole wheat manicotti tubes. Soften them by boiling them, then stuff them with vegetables and nuts!
Birds like dried fruit too. Purchase some at the store and string them up in the cage. Your bird will love stretching and bending to reach his tasty treats!
You probably don’t know that some birds like smoothies! You can mix all kinds of fruits and vegetables together that will appeal to your feathered friend.
For specific recipes for parrots, plan a visit with your
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It is so important to train your dog. Not only can it make living with your pooch more comfortable, it also makes him feel loved and useful. Does it matter where you train your dog?
You’ll want to vary your training locations when you’re teaching your dog various tricks and behaviors. It’s a good idea to start at home, that way you have some control when you finally head out into the world.
Once your dog is comfortable following your directions at home, visit the park. It’s the perfect way for you to socialize your pet with other people, children, and animals.
Then, plan to walk in a busy area. This will allow your dog to get used to the sounds of cars, trucks, and motorcycles. It will also ensure your dog listens to your commands, even if a skateboard or bicycle rolls by.
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Your dog loves sharing your living space with you, and offering her a wonderful place to call home is part of your goals as a pet owner. However, you know that it can be difficult to do so, particularly when it comes to finding the right products on the market for your pet. Luckily, your efforts will be rewarded regardless of what you wind up with, so long as you try your best to suit her.
Your pet will feel comfortable in your home if she knows she is welcome there. The time you spend with her and the bond you’ve create will mean more than anything else, so seek out some playtime to help build trust between you. She also needs to be able to meet her needs, so plan on having enough pet supply items for this to happen, and offering her consistent care each and every day. For more information, please contact your Newmarket, ON vet clinic.
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There are many things you have to get just right when you bring home a pet. When it comes to pocket pets, getting the right cage and food is important, but so is finding the right bedding. This is especially true if you have a rat.
Rats have very sensitive respiratory systems. The smallest irritant can cause your rat to sneeze. In addition, some rodents actually have allergies, which can make them sneeze more than usual. Your furry friend could also develop a respiratory infection if you don’t keep the bedding clean.
The bedding you choose matters. Cedar and pine bedding contain oils that can aggravate your pet’s respiratory system, especially when they get wet. Instead, choose Aspen shavings. It’s a hardwood that doesn’t contain any toxic phenols.
Does your rat have a sneezing problem? C
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Your cat has a righting reflex so she can turn around in midair during a fall so she will land on her feet. Her flexible spine helps your cat twist around quickly and the fluid in her inner ear helps her tell which way is up. However, just because your cat can land on her feet in a fall doesn’t mean that she won’t be injured. If the fall is too short, your cat may not be able to turn around in time and she could crash to the ground. If the fall is too high, she may injure her feet and legs as they act as shock absorbers. If she bottoms out and her gut hits the ground, she could suffer internal injuries. Your cat could bang her chin or head on the ground to disastrous results. Thus it is best to prevent falls to begin with. For more information, contact your Diamond Bar, CA veterinarian.
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Cleaning your Siberian cat’s ears clean is part of the overall health and wellness process. The ears should be checked regularly for dirt, wax build up and even bugs or insects that can caught in the hairs of the ears. If you need to clean your Siberian cat’s ears, call your vet for suggestions and tips. Basic cleaning involves placing a little bit of liquid ear cleaner onto a cotton ball or piece of gauze. Some cat owners use mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide. Always ask your vet about anything you place in your cat’s ears. Gently fold your Siberian’s ear back and wipe away any debris or wax on the inside of the outer ear. Don’t rub the area. Do not stick anything inside your Siberian’s ear canal. If you notice any kind of discharge, odor, redness, swelli
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It’s important to understand that not all cats with joint pain, joint inflammation or mobility issues are suffering from Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). In fact, DJD is a complex health condition that can only be diagnosed by a professional veterinarian. If you notice your Ragdoll cat is having trouble moving around, playing or getting in and out of his litter box then you should call your vet. Your vet will need to exam your cat to determine that exact cause for its illness. DJD is just one of many joint related conditions. It is a long-term disease that occurs when the cartilage surrounding the muscle joints slowly deteriorates. A full physical exam may be required. The exam will typically reveal a decreased range of motion, stiffness in the legs, deformity in the joints, and swelling or pain
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We may love to feed our dogs and cats snacks, treats, and sometimes healthy leftovers or scraps from the tables, but we never feed old and molded foods. If you own a cat like the American Bobtail, please make sure you keep her away from the trash and ensure she doesn’t eat any old or molded leftovers. Food that has gone bad and even molded can produce dangerous toxins like tremorgenic mycotoxins. If ingested, these toxins could make your American Bobtail go into excessive body tremors or even convulsions. If your American Bobtail eats molded food call your vet immediately. When throwing away old breads, cheeses and other rotten or molded foods, be sure the trash bag is sealed. If you toss it in the trash can, make sure a lid is covering it. Talk with your ve
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