Main » 2017 » October » 14

You have been looking into the different pet options out there, as you feel the time might be right for your family to finally welcome a pet into the household. However, there are a lot of differences between all the available options. This makes you wonder why certain people choose the pets they do, particularly when it comes to exotic pets.


There are many different types of people out there, and each of them will have different things to offer a pet. They will also have different preferences and capabilities. The key to matching the right pet with the right home is finding a way for everyone to be happy about the arrangement, as it all should be mutually beneficial. This is why some people opt for more exotic pets – these pets may simply suit them a bit better than others. For more information, please contact your local Sco ... Read more »

Views: 448 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.14.2017 | Comments (0)

All cat owners have experienced the pleasure and pain of their cat’s kneading. As a kitten, your cat kneaded her mother to stimulate milk. Thus your cat’s kneading is about transferring this nurturing role to you. Your cat will also knead you to mark you as her own by releasing scent from glands in her feet. So kneading is all about showing you love. Never yell at your cat or punish her for kneading you. Trim your cat’s nails often. This will help prevent her from causing damage and hurting you with her claws. Consider slipping a small pillow or lap blanket between your cat’s claws and your lap, while taking care not to disturb her. Take advantage of your cat’s concentrated kneading to cuddle and pet her while enjoying the ubiquitous purring that will certainly occur. Enjoy your cat’s loving attention. For more information, contact your Bee Cave, TX veterinarian.

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Views: 475 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.14.2017 | Comments (0)

Your cat loves when it’s time for her to be fed, and you enjoy offering her something she likes to munch on. However, you aren’t sure she is eating the right food. Should she be consuming wet or dry cat food?

Your pet’s preferences and ability to consume either food will play into this decision. There are high-quality, nutrient-dense options in both categories, so your pet will likely be well nourished with either option. Generally, cats will consume dry food unless they can’t do so for some reason. Age, illness, and injury can force your pet to utilize wet food as a primary source of nutrition. It can be easier to chew and digest, but generally costs a bit more than its dry counterpart. Talk to your cat’s veterinarian to determine what is right for your little fur ball. For more information, please contact your local Minnetonka, MN vet cli ... Read more »

Views: 397 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.14.2017 | Comments (0)

Your dog loves being able to head out and about with you, and your daily walks are something you look forward to each and every day. However, you know that some walks will be better than others. How can you make the most of this time?


In order to really have a great time out with your pet, you will need to plan ahead. This means taking the time to figure out what you both need for the outing, like an appropriate leash, a flashlight, or some water. You will also need to think about the current weather conditions, and adjust your plans accordingly. Consider the area you plan on walking in, and evaluate how long you should spend in this spot on this particular terrain so you both can get some exercise without becoming overwhelmed. For more information, please contact your local Cy-Fair vet clinic.

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Views: 394 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 10.14.2017 | Comments (0)