Main » 2017 » October » 14 » Your Cat’s Kneading
12:47 PM
Your Cat’s Kneading

All cat owners have experienced the pleasure and pain of their cat’s kneading. As a kitten, your cat kneaded her mother to stimulate milk. Thus your cat’s kneading is about transferring this nurturing role to you. Your cat will also knead you to mark you as her own by releasing scent from glands in her feet. So kneading is all about showing you love. Never yell at your cat or punish her for kneading you. Trim your cat’s nails often. This will help prevent her from causing damage and hurting you with her claws. Consider slipping a small pillow or lap blanket between your cat’s claws and your lap, while taking care not to disturb her. Take advantage of your cat’s concentrated kneading to cuddle and pet her while enjoying the ubiquitous purring that will certainly occur. Enjoy your cat’s loving attention. For more information, contact your Bee Cave, TX veterinarian.

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