Main » 2017 » July » 19 » What Kind of Housing will my Chocolate Hedgehog Need?
8:35 AM
What Kind of Housing will my Chocolate Hedgehog Need?

When you bring home your new Chocolate hedgehog, make sure you have a place for him to live already set up and ready to go. If you’re not sure what he will need, ask your vet or local pet store associate. The necessities generally include a flat bottom cage. Even though the hedgehog is small, you should get a rabbit size or guinea pig size cage so he has room to run around and burrow. Make sure the cage has a solid floor and wired top so your little guy doesn’t escape. Don’t forget, hedgehogs like to dig and climb. In addition, make sure you have a food bowl, water bowl and a side cage water bottle. Toys and tunnels can keep him entertained. You should also provide a small litter box inside the cage as hedgehogs prefer this over messing up his bedding. Your best veterinarian Conyers, GA may suggest keeping the cage in a warm place as well.

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